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Back and Neck Braces

Back and Neck Braces

The spine is composed of spinal bones called vertebrae, intervertebral discs, connective tissue, and muscles. All of these structures provide support, stability, and mobility to the upper body. The spine also protects the delicate spinal cord. Injury or disease to any of these structures can cause pain.

Spine Medications

Spine Medications

Medications play an effective role in the treatment of back or neck pain. Your doctor may prescribe several medications to help reduce pain and associated symptoms that are caused by unhealthy spinal conditions or deformities.

Spine Rehabilitation

Spine Rehabilitation

Your rehabilitation team consists of physical therapists, orthopedic doctors, massage therapists and athletic trainers (in case of rehabilitation for sports injuries). The rehabilitation team works on various physical activities and flexibility exercises that help to regain the strength and motion of the injured site.

Spinal Injection

Spinal Injection

Spine injection is a non-surgical treatment modality recommended for the treatment of chronic back pain. Injection of certain medicinal agents relieves the pain by blocking the nerve signals between specific areas of the body and the brain. The treatment approach involves injections of local anesthetics, steroids, or narcotics into the affected soft tissues, joints, or nerve roots. It may also involve complex nerve blocks and spinal cord stimulation.